Experience Report: 20 YACHTLINE to sea with 80 HP – Croatia 2017

  • Boat
  • Engine
    Honda BF-80 LRTU
  • Navigation Zone
  • Crew
    3 people
  • Experience


After a smooth journey, we took the ferry to Rab very early. The turquoise water immediately attracts attention. You immediately get the impression that somehow it looks much clearer and more colorful from the water than it does from land.

After driving the short distance to our accommodation, we moved briefly to our room (100m from the beach and the dock) and wanted to have a look at the local conditions. The ladies on the beach and me on the pier.

We then set off shortly after the Lord and registered our boat. On the second day we put the crane in, so we had a pleasant day on the beach and after an early dinner went straight to bed.



The crane is on standby. As we had never done this before, very soon we were on the crane and we could watch everything for the first time. At the end of the day, you are more and more curious about how it will all end. A few minutes later the boat was in the water and we were on our way.

After a short trip through the canal, we chose the east coast of Pag to familiarize ourselves with the boat and first introduced ourselves to the 20 YACHTLINE. After we quickly felt safe, we went north-west of Rab in the afternoon, looked for a small bay and anchored for the first time. We were surprised how easy it was for us to do everything.

On the way back we saw an Öchsner 29 lying there. (During the vacation we found the owner

also familiar).

In the evening we went to Aco restaurant which was delicious and if you like seafood this is the place for you.


The weather is 35° and there is almost no wind. After our breakfast we start. When we took off, the boatmen approached us to ask us questions about the 20 YACHTLINE. Apparently the boat is one of the darlings of the fair.

After enjoying the northwest so much, we set off in that direction again and circumnavigated the island a bit more. In a bay just for us, I took some great photos of 20 YACHTLINE while the women played and snorkeled.DAY 4

Since we still didn’t know Rab Island, we decided not to take a boat today and go on a land tour. In the north we saw San Marino and Lopar. And the shallow water swimming playground in Lopar is a dream for every child/teenager.

San Marino would also have a nice beach and some shopping opportunities. We didn’t have time here. In the evening we passed an Öchsner Drago 540 looking for a restaurant.


Today we are on the road again with the boat we bought. We went out and swam and sunbathed all day.


We had to refuel today as we arrived with only a half full tank. The last time we registered the boat we saw the gas station.

After 9 hours of work 65Ltr. (max. 140 liters) was used (almost 7 liters per hour) so we went to Rab.

Here a nice Drago 22 owner recognized us again and asked us about the new model 20 Yachtline. So far, everyone is enthusiastic about the space available and at first does not believe us that toilets and cellars have been built.

While refueling, we met the owner of 29 YACHTLINE, whom we saw lying in the canal. A really nice family of 5 from Austria. After refueling we head back to the dock after a short afternoon cruise and a short swim.


A pleasant coolness came tonight in the form of rain. Quick check on the boat. Everything is dry. Only the air has cooled down a bit.

The day calms down and we start after a short shopping tour from the northern tip of Pag to Lun. Here, there are one of the largest wild olive trees in the world (some over 1,500 years old) and can be viewed in a botanical reserve. After coffee and ice cream we set off again and drove to the 2 small islands Dolfin and Mali Dolfin and went swimming there.


Today we meet friends who are traveling by boat again. So we looked for a nice place with a total of 3 boats and anchored there. Since we had more children with us, we were able to make good use of all the water toys and the children felt very comfortable in the water. The day went by in a flash.


Everyone slept for a long time on our comfortable and cozy boat.

We also took on board a well-known (non-boater) family with a child (3 years old), but they had never been on a boat themselves. I made a small tour with several stops.

Dinner at Vincenzo’s can be highly recommended. Here the pizza is prepared in the visible stone oven. And from the high terrace you can see what is happening on the water.

DAY 10

Between Dolfin and Mali Dolfin, there’s a very shallow area with easy access. This should be our target today. It is an ideal diving and snorkeling spot with more action, diversity and underwater creatures. In the afternoon we went to Pag again for a coffee and on the beach with the little one.

Tomorrow we fill up another 70 liters, after planning to go completely around Rab.

DAY 11

It’s perfect weather. Everyone is out of bed so we set off at 9.30 am. We drive around Rab and take a short break in Zavratnica Bay. Here you can snorkel in a shipwreck just below the water surface. The ship was sunk in World War II. Now aim for the island of Goli Otok with a full tank. The former prison island can now be easily visited. We are then directed to Sahara Beach (very beautiful and quiet, wide sandy beach. Around 18:00 we are back at the pier.

DAY 12

For the first time, the weather is inconsistently reported. Wait and see, today we only plan for the short term. After a long walk we went to the beach and in the afternoon we went for a walk towards the town of Rab. It is pleasantly cool and fun to wander through the bustling streets. From the water one can climb the stunning tower that serves as a clear identification marker. The view is a dream. Towards evening there is a wide range of entertainment in the city. Live music, various stalls and mobile vendors. Here we head out to have dinner and enjoy the penultimate evening of our cruise vacation.

DAY 13

We anchor in Stara Novalja. Here you can rent jet skis and other water sports equipment in the deep, sheltered bay. The cocktail bar at the end of the bay is also recommended. We started our journey home at 18:30. While eating, last evening we listened to a recommendation and went to the Meslina restaurant (an olive grove where the restaurant is integrated)

Dinner was the perfect end to a wonderful vacation that went by too quickly. It won’t be the last time we eat here, that’s for sure. That evening we started packing in our room. Tomorrow we head home.

DAY 14

Everyone woke up from the boat on a relaxed morning and sat down to a peaceful breakfast. With our boat 20 YACHTLINE, which we bought at the best price, a wonderful vacation was coming to an end,

We thank Öchsner for the beautiful boat and the exemplary instruction.

One thing is certain, we will be back

Yours sincerely



With the equipment and 80HP, the boat is definitely suitable for vacation at sea. The low consumption of 6-7 liters per hour speaks for itself. The space is definitely enough for 2 adults with children and the boat is sufficient even if we have children. We have not missed anything and we are sure that we will spend a lot of time in beautiful corners.