Experience Report 20 YACHTLINE – Main

  • Boat
  • Engine
    Honda BF 80 LRTU
  • Navigation Zone
  • Crew
    2 people
  • Experience

The time I spent cycling and canoeing on inland and marine waters, my desire for a vacation grew stronger. But just being on the road with a “charter license” could not be enough, so I had to get a marine license immediately.

What is missing is the experience and routine of dealing with “motorized watercraft” on the wet element. This cannot be achieved even with a one-week yacht charter per year with constantly changing boat models. Two possibilities open to water sports enthusiasts; either charter a boat for a few weeks or more often a year, or buy your own boat.

We decided to buy a boat with a trailer. This very quick decision was followed by a long process of searching for a yacht, weighing it, questioning the decision and of course coordinating the “road tow vehicle” for the team. The important points for us were: a new or young used motorboat with toilet, small galley, 6-7m boat length, good price and performance ratio, outboard for our SUV and overnight accommodation for a weekend including trailer. Pretty simple search criteria actually, but what we have learned is that buying a boat is not like buying a car.

Numerous car dealerships and offers for test drives compare with very few opportunities for boat tours with driving tests. As a result, all that remains is often reading trade magazines, seeking advice from friends and visiting trade fairs and experiencing reports from boat owners. Then the boat builder DRAGO almost inevitably makes the short list. Now all that remains is to find the right dealer for a viewing and test drive.

The first contact with DRAGO was mixed. Our wishes and requirements actually fit the boat very well, but the quality and workmanship of the equipment and the appearance of the material did not convince us. It is good that there is not only one dealer in Germany.

That’s why we wanted to go to the dealer in our region, especially since Öchsner develops and sells your DRAGO boats under the name Yachtline. An appointment was quickly made. Then we experienced what YACHTLINE stands for in the exhibition hall of the Öchsner company and were immediately convinced that the boat layout and weight were correct, it was already clear, now the quality, equipment and workmanship were also appropriate.

On the day of the inspection we decided that the 20-Yachtline should be ours.

Our equipment requirements were discussed with the Öchsner company in various meetings and e-mail communications. Here everyone’s wishes were met in terms of equipment and interior space.

We arrived in Kürnach on a very warm and gloriously beautiful sunny day to deliver our dream boat. After a sleepless night, we underwent intensive training on Mr. Öchsner jun. Main we went through intensive training. It was a great day and then our boat was transferred to the marina in Aschaffenburg.

For the first time we shifted our “Joy” to the Main alone and sailed into the marina to a warm welcome from the harbormaster. Our Joy was now in safe harbor and ready for extensive water tours and getting to know each other over the coming weekends.

After the first season on the Main and a few nights on board, we are still convinced of our choice of equipment, size and workmanship. Our dock neighbors were also positive about -20 YACHTLINE – after a detailed inspection.

This proved time and time again that we made the right decision to buy our boat. We would like to thank the Öchsner company and team for the professional advice and support.

Best wishes for the best

Family B.