Experience report 20 Yachtline: Happy beginners by boat on the Rhine

  • Boat
    20 Yachtline
  • Boat
    Honda BF 60
  • Navigation Zone
  • Experience
    new starters

Our way to the Öchsner boats

On Pentecost 2018, we discovered our enthusiasm for boating during a houseboat holiday on the lakes of Plauer. In order to enjoy it at home, we needed to have a boat license. After my husband had successfully completed this, we went in search of a boat suitable for “beginners”.

We visited the boat show in Friedrichshafen and got many useful impressions of the various types of boats. We quickly realized the size of boat that was financially feasible for us – this is how we first contacted the company Öchsner-Boote. Mr. Küffner was very patient and willing to provide information right from the start. Our path to our own boat became clearer and clearer.

In January 2019 we visited the boat show in Düsseldorf and again Öchsner-Boote was our favorite company. 20 Yachtline convinced us in terms of workmanship, size and above all price. The contract was signed. In April this year, after a professional briefing by Mr. Öchsner jun, we took over our boat in Kürnach.

Stylish, comfortable and the most affordable boat: 20 YACHTLINE

Although the temperatures were not very favorable, we launched our boat on the Rhine after a few days and got used to the technology and maneuvers. Drop anchor for the first time, try all the switches – the technology works flawlessly and we enjoy a high quality boat.

The kids and we enjoy the Rhine river trips. Anchoring in the shallow shore can be easily done and it is therefore possible to swim with a barbecue on the beach! We look forward to the coming summer days and many more expeditions with 20 YACHTLINE

At this point I would like to thank the whole “Öchsner team”.

Family H.