Experience Report: 20 YACHTLINE -Constance Lake

  • Boat
  • Engine
    Honda 100HP
  • Navigation Zone
    Lake Constance
  • Crew
    married couple
  • Experience

Above we have marked “Beginners” once again, because after two boating seasons we don’t necessarily see each other as advanced. Although we can do some things quite well.

But first things first: Last year (our first year on the boat) we had to look for a rental car to get on and off the boat, this time we were able to get our own car: 150 hp diesel, a loaded VW Caddy up to 1,75 T. on an 8% gradient. We needed that too, because when we were out of the water there was a weighing scale in front of the hook and on it was about 30 liters of fuel, an empty water tank, a small equipment, but with a camping helmet…. 1270 kg, plus 400 kg trailer. This made all the planning easier.

The slide went quite well for two people. However, this time it was already early June when we were able to launch the boat.

Now we had a very hot summer ahead of us. So hot that on our multi-day trips, especially on Lake Überlinger See, sometimes we were just sitting in the shade after the boat was anchored. At over 40 degrees, it doesn’t even get cold to swim in the lake …

We usually went out, took a bath and spent our days on the boat.

Of course, it was great, especially for our two eldest grandchildren, who had a lot of fun jumping off the boat into the water, even being the captain.

When they left again, it had to be a trip to the Upper Rhine, which we didn’t want to risk last year due to low water. Doing it on August 1st, the Swiss national holiday, may not have been the best idea. As a result, the already narrow passageway was made even narrower by a hundred Swiss, and a hundred Swiss drove the Upper Rhine in front of and around us with everything that even came close to swimming. But it was always funny!

We got back to our float site and managed to cruise a nice section of the river.

At the beginning of September this season was over.

We are planning a slightly longer tour in 2020, then we will plan a full circuit of Lake Constance with stops in various major harbors.

We had a lot of fun and are looking forward to next season.