In the dynamic world of boatbuilding, each stage of assembly marks an important step towards the realization of a strong boat. As we eagerly await the completion of Hull 1, an atmosphere of excitement builds around the start of Hull 2 assembly, the demolding of Hull 3 and the start of Hull 4 production. In this blog post, we will examine the start of MAKAI M37 serial production, from the examination of Body 2 assembly to the start of Body 4 production.







Body 2 Assembly Phase

When Hull 2 assembly begins, one of the first steps involves trimming the hulls through a rigorous process. This critical stage provides the foundation on which the entire boat rests, ensuring the precision and stability that is essential to its performance. Quality is a non-negotiable factor in the boat building industry and Hull 2 is no exception. A rigorous quality control (QC) inspection is applied to guarantee that every component meets our strict standards. Our commitment from the smallest detail to the largest build reflects our dedication to excellence, such that the Body 2 will not only meet expectations, but exceed them. As assembly progresses, the installation of the powerful engines is a key moment in the construction of the boat. Installing powerful Yanmar engines allows the boat to reach exceptional speeds. If you would like to learn more about engine assembly, please take a look at our recent boats story focusing on engine assembly.

MAKAI M37 Serial Production

Removing body 3 from the mold

As Body 2 progresses through the assembly phase, production continues with the demolding of Body 3. Mold removal of Body 3

its removal allows us to start production of Hull 4

Start of Production of Hull 4

We are very excited to start our MAKAI M37 series production. Following the release of Hull 3 from the mold, we are starting production of Hull 4 to accelerate the mass production of the new MAKAI M37. Inspired by a passion for creating boats that redefine industry standards, our team is ready to achieve this new milestone. In the dynamic environment of the boating world, each new hull is another step towards redefining the power catamaran market by delivering boats that represent innovation, precision and power. Hull 2’s journey from leveling to engine assembly is a testament to our commitment to excellence. And with the start of Hull 4 production, we are not just building boats;

we are shaping the future of marine engineering. Keep following the stories of the boats to come, sailing towards new horizons as we travel with the excitement of this progress.

Makai Team – BGS Marin