Experience Report: 20 YACHTLINE Bleilochtalsperre 2016

  • Tekne
    Drago 601 WB (YENİ 20 YACHTLINE)
  • Engine
    Honda BF-80 LRTU
  • Navigation Zone
  • Crew
    2-6 people
  • Experience

Experience report with Drago 601 WB -YACHTLINE- (NEW 20-YACHTLINE) in Bleilochtalsperre

In May 2016, after long and extensive research both on the internet and while visiting trade fairs, we initially decided on a Öchsner boat of this size. We got an idea about the 601WB during our first visit to Öchsner in spring 2015. The overall concept of this boat is very well thought out and exactly matched our ideas of this type of cabin boat. We previously had a rubber dinghy with a rigid hull and steering position and we quickly realized the limits, especially in terms of ride comfort. And of course the spaciousness…

We received a special offer from Florian Öchsner that met our expectations in detail and as requested.

The day after the boat was delivered, we set off with our children and grandchildren on the largest reservoir in Germany, Bleilochtalsperre, and were able to convince ourselves of the spaciousness and individuality. Driving pleasure was not neglected. With the powerful 80 HP engine from Honda, planning with 6 people (including 2 children) and the necessary luggage was no problem at all. The generous space was a great advantage, which the grandchildren also appreciated.

Meanwhile, our relatives and friends also managed to share this wonderful experience with us.

So far, with the new Drago 601 WB -Yachtline- we are already looking forward to the next boating season and can’t wait for more beautiful trips with this wonderful boat in Germany and other surrounding waters.

Claudia and Andreas L.